Buttered Crouton

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Yeast Conversion Table

Convert the usage of dry yeast to compressed yeast and vis versa.

Compressed Yeast   Dry Yeast   Dry Yeast
Weight   Weight   Measure
1 oz. = 1/2 oz. or 1 1/2 T
1 1/2 oz. = 3/4 oz. or 2 T
2 oz. = 1 oz. or 3 T
4 oz. = 2 oz. or 1/4 C + 2 T
6 oz. = 3 oz. or 1/3 C
8 oz. = 4 oz. or 1/3 C + 3 T
10 oz. = 5 oz. or 1/2 C+ 2 1/2 T
12 oz. = 6 oz. or 2/3 C
1 lb. = 8 oz. or 3/4 C + 3 1/2 T
1 lb. 8 oz. = 12 oz. or 1 1/3 C
2 lb. = 1 lb. or 1 3/4 C + 3 T

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