Cooking Measurement Conversion Calculator to convert Cups, Tablespoons, Teaspoons, and other units - Good Calculators

Cooking Measurement Conversion Calculator

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This Cooking Measurement Conversion Calculator allows you to quickly convert between cups, tablespoons, teaspoons, ounces, pints, quarts, liters, grams and other cooking units.

How to use the conversion calculator:

  • 1. Select the name of the ingredient what you want to convert.
  • 2. Enter how much you wish to convert.
  • 3. Select the units of measurement and it will convert automatically on the left side.
  • 4. Reset clears the fields. Re-enter data, press Convert to see updated results.
Cooking Conversion Calculator

Popular Conversions:

  • Cups (US) to Tablespoons (US) 1 cup (US) is equal to 16 tablespoons (US)

  • Tablespoons (US) to Cups (US) 1 tablespoon (US) is equal to 0.06250 cups (US)

  • Tablespoons (US) to Milliliters 1 tablespoon (US) is equal to 14.7868 milliliters

  • Milliliters to Tablespoons (US) 1 milliliter is equal to 0.06763 tablespoons (US)

  • Drops to Milliliters 1 drop is equal to 0.05134 milliliters

  • Milliliters to Drops 1 milliliter is equal to 19.4769 drops

  • Teaspoons (US) to Milliliters 1 teaspoon (US) is equal to 4.928921598877499 milliliters

  • Milliliters to Teaspoons (US) 1 milliliter is equal to 0.2029 teaspoons (US)

  • Cups (US) to Grams 1 cup (US) is equal to 236.5882 grams