Buttered Crouton

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Easy Measurement Converter

How many times have you tried to prepare a recipe only to realize that it needs to be converted because its in grams and you only know the US system. Perhaps the oven temperature is listed in centigrade not Fahrenheit. Do you need to add 10 milliliters of vanilla to a cake batter? If you're math-challenged, don't worry, goodcooking.com is here to help with a basic understanding!

millimeters (mm) 0.04 inches (in)
centimeters (cm) 0.4 inches (in)
meters 3.3 feet (ft)
  1.1 yards (yd)
kilometers (km) 0.6 miles (mi)

grams (g) 0.035 ounces (oz.)
kilograms (kg) 2.2 pounds (lb.)
tonnes 1.1 tons

milliliters (ml) 0.03 liquid ounces (fl. oz)
liters (l) 2.1 pints (pt)
  1.06 quart (qt)
  0.26 gallons (gal)

Celsius (C)  divide  by 9/5 (add) 32 = Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit ( F ) divide by 5/9 (minus) 32 = Celsius